Friday, November 21, 2014

The Book of Giants Kickstarter campaign

The cover of The Book of Giants

Great news!

We are finalizing The Book of Giants, and working hard on the preparations for the launch of the Kickstarter campaign, which is set for December 1th. John Flesk, from FleskPublications, is really doing his best to make this campaign a success! Some brilliant people from Helpful Bear Productions are working on a promotional video (which will be a surprise even for me). Arpad Terek,  a brilliant designer who works with me on this book, is almost finished with his part of the job.

Please stay tuned for I will post some interesting details and news about the book and the Kickstarter campaign in the coming days.

For now, here is the final cover of The Book of Giants.



  1. Well, I'm in. It will be nice part of collection...
    Nadam se da ce biti istog formata kao Bas Celik :)

    1. Zdravo Aleksa,

      Cesto si mi u mislima poslednjih meseci. Osecam grizu savest sto ti se jos nisam javio meilom, kao sto sam obecao. Ali, poslednjih meseci sam bio u poslu do guse, a razlog je, naravo, knjiga o dzinovima. Cim okoncamo posao, javljam ti se.

      Da, knjiga ce biti istog formata, samo skoro tri puta deblja. :-)

      Svako dobro!

    2. NIje da ne razumem. U svakom slucaju, jedva cekam knjigu :)

  2. ....Svjatogor...and so much more....!!! REUSachtig benieuwd!!!

    1. Hoi, Mark!
      Ik mail je bennekort. :-)
      En die bonbons uit Breda, jeetje, wat waren ze lekker!

  3. ...mooi, ik ben blij dat jullie ervan genoten hebben....Jullie bedankt voor het heel indrukwekkende voorproefje van een zeer bijzonder boek....we mailen binnenkort...Groetjes, M

  4. Here we go. Good luck Petar, count me in.

  5. ik ben blij dat jullie ervan genoten hebben....Jullie bedankt voor het heel indrukwekkende voorproefje van een zeer bijzonder boek.
