Friday, May 31, 2013

Framed paintings

During my studies at the art academy I once heard the teacher saying that a painting is considered finished only after it is framed. In the past, many artists used to frame their paintings before they applied the final layer in order to make a perfect match between the two. Beside it’s aesthetic purpose, frame’s primary function is to separate two different realities, the reality of the art work, and the reality of the surrounding space.

I must admit that I do not frame my paintings before they are finished; on a few occasions I even repainted the frame so that it worked better with the painting. But I never forgot my teacher’s lesson about the importance of a frame. However, choosing an appropriate frame for my pictures has always been a challenge and I must say I am not very good in that.
For the past few years I did many commissioned paintings. Most of these paintings were delivered unframed. And because I am always interested in how the “finished” painting looks like, I often ask the client to send me a photo of the framed painting. I also like to see where and how my “babies” hang for I know I will never see most of them again. This makes me a little sad sometimes.

In front of a small portion of their huge collection, Gregg and Yvette Spatz, with Shadow Comes behind

The Rescuer preliminary drawing hanging next to an original Tarzan page by Burne Hogarth

Jean and Morgan Bantly in front of a part of their collection, with Gandalf in the back

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Little giant study



Few hours later and still in progress 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

New face on Facebook

Well, I resisted as long as I could, but good people from Dark Dragon Books, the publisher of the upcoming The Art of Petar Meseldzija book, finally convinced me that it was time to have a Facebook page in order to keep the audience informed about the latest developments regarding the book, as well as other activities of mine (hopefully not all of them…) Dark Dragon Books was kind enough to create this Facebook page, and you are invited to visit it as often as you want. Inspite of a dubious banner, this Facebook page will be a decent one…

Anyway, here is the link, so check it out

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013